Jul 14, 2024
Deception vs Discernment
Series: (All)
How do we become susceptible to deception?
  1. Disappointment
  2. Discontent
  3. Disobedience
How do we protect ourselves against deception?
  1. Get to know His true heart.
  2. Obey
  3. Exercise our senses
  4. Seek Godly Counsel
  • Jul 14, 2024Deception vs Discernment
    Jul 14, 2024
    Deception vs Discernment
    Series: (All)
    How do we become susceptible to deception?
    1. Disappointment
    2. Discontent
    3. Disobedience
    How do we protect ourselves against deception?
    1. Get to know His true heart.
    2. Obey
    3. Exercise our senses
    4. Seek Godly Counsel
  • Apr 14, 2024True Hope
    Apr 14, 2024
    True Hope
    Series: (All)
    1. God causes us to Hope
    2. God is our Hope