Kid’s Church

Our Ministry Is Two Fold:

  • To “partner with parents” – We will continually strive to encourage and support parents to do what God called them to do: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) We will accomplish this by hosting parenting seminars, recommending and providing parenting resource materials and supporting the parents in the classroom every week by teaching and equipping their children to obey God and to honor their parents.
  • To teach, train and equip children to grow – We will continually teach children the foundational truths of God’s Word and to model “Christ-likeness” in order to develop Christ’s character in each child. We will continually train children to spend time with God daily in worship, prayer, and scriptural devotions. We will continually encourage children to develop Godly relationships with other Christian friend.

Birth to 23 months

Tree of Life Church strives to provide an excellent service for every age group, including our littlest members. Parents can be assured that while they are in service from their little ones their children are receiving excellent care. All our teachers have a passion to serve and make your family feel at home. The Nursery is available during all Wednesday night and Sunday morning services. If you have any questions please contact Kristen Sistrunk.

Preschool – Leaflets

Ages 2 to 5 yearsThe Preschoolers at Tree of Life Church are invited to their very own Leaflets class. Every Wednesday night and Sunday morning the Leaflet teachers present a specialized service for our preschoolers. Children in this age range enjoy Bible time, praise and worship, crafts, snack, and much more. Contact Kristen Sistrunk for more information.
Tree House Kids Club
Age 6 to 5th Grade
Tree House Kids Club is an exciting service for boys and girls ages 5 through 5th grade. Services include interactive games, fun puppets, crafts, and Bible based teaching that all works together to encourage children to grow in God and learn more about him every day. Elementary services are provided during Wednesday night and Sunday morning services. If you have and questions contact

Kristen Sistrunk.