Community Connections
Community Connections provide exciting opportunities to share the love of Christ beyond the walls of our church with those who have physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Jesus said to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39), and He has entrusted us to fulfill this Great Commission! It is a rewarding privilege that we all share, as well as a responsibility that we must take personally. First Peter 4:10 declares, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (NIV) We encourage you to prayerfully consider how God can use your time, talents and resources to impact our community.
A person-centered counseling to 21st century family through: * Offering a unique blend of solid Biblical insights coupled with the finest current psychotherapeutic methods. * Provides counseling that focuses on specific issues confronting teenagers and families. * Assisting children, pre-marital couples, single adults and adults experiencing struggles within marriage in finding grace and redemption. * Granting space to bring about God’s redemption in the lives of our clients.
If you feel as though you, your family or your organization is experiencing a situation that seems out of your control, or if you just need some assistance, give us a call. It is in times like these that you need to know that you are not alone, and it is never, ever, too late to seek help and experience grace, redemption, and transforming Power.
They offer hope and complete support to an average of 300 young women with unplanned pregnancies on a monthly basis.
Providing lifesaving, help for young women with unplanned pregnancies. They offer hope and complete support to make it easier to choose LIFE. An average of 105 people are assisted on a monthly basis through this organization.
The Round Rock Serving Center serves its surrounding community with a food pantry and financial assistance for those in need, as well as temporary lodging. Over 51,000 people were served last year alone.
They offer a variety of outpatient mental health services.. on a sliding fee scale. Also provides services at other locations such as schools, a community health center, and the juvenile justice center. Austin Child Guidance Center collaborates with many other community agencies to provide services.
In Round Rock provides a haven of hope for children and families in crisis through its residential programs for children and single-mother families.
Hope Alliance is dedicated to empowering victims of family violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes through support and advocacy, while promoting community awareness, compassion, and responsibility for creating a safer community.
Caritas of Austin is a nonprofit who mission is to prevent and end homelessness for people in Greater Austin. Join us in ending homelessness together.